IntroIf you have read my entry below, you will know that I was curious to experiment with a hypnosis mp3 file downloaded from the net, in this case the site
A few weeks ago, when my partner was away for a weekend, I decided to pick a file entitled "female for the day". I chose this because it was something I had never really wanted to try before, yet I knew it was something that I could possibly do and wouldnt have any horrible lasting consequences. Again, I will reiterate that I am not a full-on cross dresser and have
NO desire to look or act like a woman!
Yes, I have worn tights and panties in the past, but that was due to specific fetish interest in those items, and
NOT because I am a transvestite!! The only time I have previously thought about becoming a woman is in the context of a domination/submission game where I am
forced into it.
I listened to the file multiple times before going to sleep the previous night, perhaps three times if I remember OK. It was a pleasent experience and I recall feeling deeply relaxed, the final time was really rather a blur, I think I might have even fallen asleep!
I went into this experimnet with my eyes open, we all know what hypnosis can be capable of, but similarly I understand that there are limitations. You need to belive it can work, you need to be open to the possibilities and let yourself go, let the words guide your uncounscious!
ResultSo I woke up first thing in the morning. Now it would have been easy for me to then just act being a woman, I could have dressed in my partners clothes and used her makeup and strutted around all day making out to be female. This would have proved the file's success?
Well to be honest, I felt no compulsion to be feminine at all, I did none of the above things and dressed as normal. It was a bit of a dissapointment but then Im not sure what I expected! I went and had breakfast as normal, watched some telly, etc..
..a twist in the tale
So anyway, later in the morning I was feeling horny and took advantage of being home alone. I took the opportunity to relieve myself - nothing unusual here. But then something odd happened. I quickly got dressed and went downstairs, I found myself cooking lunch. Cooking a proper meal, something I dont normally do. I found myself cleaning the kitchen surfaces, putting things away, again, I normally leave all the cleaning up for my partner - even when she is away! I had started picking up on the traditional female role in the home.
And then whilst it was dawning on me I noticed the strangest thing. When I got dressed, I had put on a pair of my wife's panties and, get this, one of her dresses. I honestly promise this is absolutely true. After climaxing I had spontaneously and naturally got dressed in female clothes without even thinking about what I was doing. It just seemed the right thing to do at the time, like it was what I was supposed to do. They were the clothes I should be wearing and it didnt occur to be once that this was unusual. I hadnt thought about the file.
What sets this apart is that I hadnt chosen to wear any kinky items that I might sometimes wear for a thrill, eg some lacey panties, tights or if I was really daring, perhaps stockings and suspenders. I had chosen to wear normal unsexy everyday stuff, and it was post climax too so I was nolonger driven by my horny desires.
And even when I realised what I was wearing, it still didnt feel odd. It felt comfortable to wear for the rest of the day. Looking back now it seems a very strange experience, im embarrassed by how I was manipulated and what I found myself doing. Im cringing at the thought of it even as I type - and
NO, I didnt take any photos to share!!
FinallyI have had
NO further desire to dress as a woman since then, just as the file claims. So Im glad about that lol! Would I try another file? Yes, I would. But I will pick very carefully because its clear these things do have a latent affect and catch you when your guard is down! I guess that is the whole premise behind hypnotism in the first place! I am not very unsure about listening to the email slavery file lol!
I'd love to try something like this live over MSN with a webcam - who knows what you might end up doing lol! I will certainly be looking out for more files and will post soon reguarding my fantasy file to download!
Drop me a line if you have any recommendations :)