Yay! I got my first comment on the blog! That means someone is actually reading it, if only one person lol! Its also exciting because that means someone has seen the nude picture of me, thats just not something Id ever thought Id share!

So I thought Id respond to the comment
Why dont you buy your own tights? Well thats a good question! Really I should, in an ideal world id be buying tights from places like www.mytights.com on a regular basis, Id have already bought all the colours, pattens, styles, and shapes and worn them all! One dy maybe I will! For now Im starting slowly, my partner and I are a similar size and to be honest there is an extra attraction to wearing her underwear, simply because I know shes been wearing it close to her intimate areas!
A second problem is that I would have no where to store the tights secretly, and If she found a stash of ladies underwear I think she's be more likely to throw me out for having an affair lol!
Im not sure I could ever buy any in a shop, that would just be too embarrassing, OK the store assitant would probably not assume they are for me but still....!
I spend a lot of time thinking about my fetish, like most men I guess, and sometimes wish it would go away, should I supress it, should I share it? I guess the ideal would be to share it, but what if ones partner is not so open minded, what if she thinks people who cross dress are a bit 'funny'. Maybe I should have chosen a different partner, but then I think it would be wrong to chose someone based on a small part of your life when otherwise you fit perfectly...!
So here I am, still pantyhoseless and still using the net as my only outlet. Time to move on to some rubber maybe...