I wonder what its like to wear both at once? I know some guys have worn tens of pairs of pantyhose all at once - now that must be tight! But also lots of fun! I wonder if you can still move your legs lol :)!
The diary of a 20 something and his exploration of the amazing fetish world. Not into anything specific, just excited by new and wonderful things...
Hahahaha! LMAO, do you know that you left a picture of your bare arse in the comments section of my Virgin Mary painting? Oh, the irony! Its a nice picture, but doesnt really belong with the Virgin Mary. That was funny. It was good to hear from you, glad you liked my photos.
I read somewhere that spam blogs are found by searching the web for certain links, words etc. Its possible some words in your blog accidentally set off the spam detectors. Also if you have metatags, make sure youre not using too many of them. What are metatags? I dont know, just telling what i read. Take care, hope everything works out well. I look forward to reading the next adventure in your interesting life. :)
hehe thanks, I guess you moved the comment :)!
the spam blog thing is now sorted so I can post again!!
I know how you feel! When I see a picture of a beautiful woman wearing beautiful lingerie, I'm more turned on by imagining what it would feel like to be wearing the lingerie!
um... move your comment? I haven't learned how yet. I could only completely remove it, and i didn't want to do that because (1) it's advertising for your blog, and (2) i do so love comic irony. If it bothers you, i'll delete or try to move it. Just say so.
sheen, hehe yeah, and when my missus catches me looking at a girls beautiful tights as she walks down the street she always seems paranois that im chasing other women - nope - its just her pantyhose I want lol!
anne, its your blog, you do what you want to, pls leave it if thats what you want :)
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