Havent posted for a while, more to follow on my adventures from last week, but for now, here's some great head gear that Id love to be locked into!
Ive already started drafting a big update, might take a while to publish though...!
The diary of a 20 something and his exploration of the amazing fetish world. Not into anything specific, just excited by new and wonderful things...
You write in your profile that you're interested in humiliation? What exactly does that involve, and what do you like about it? What does it do for you?
So the above question was posed to me in a comment, and I thought id add an entry to answer it. So first off, what would it involve? Well in my fantasies it would be things such as being forced to wear stockings for example, or forced to wear panties and a bra, or to crawl around the floor like a dog, or to have to eat my food out of a bowl on the floor,
Whats the attraction? Well thats a harder question to answer! Im not sure I even know the answer! I guess I enjoy the feeling of powerlessness, I enjoy knowing the idea of someone having so much control over me that I have to perform whatever degrading act they suggest. I think that gives me the rush of adrenaline, the excitment.
Once Ive agreed to play along, I know that I am in their control and who knows what I will have to do
CagedSo for example, imagine you've agreed to submit to someone elses requested and they drop some pantyhose down infront of you. Next thing you know you are being pushed into a cage covered from head to toe in nylon and locked in. You are then left there in the middle of the room, where anyone might see you at any minute. I fantasise about such a scenario and just thinking about how I would feel in that situation makes me so excited!
Would I ever want to do it for real? Maybe not, I imagine the fantasy is more exciting than the reality - often the case I think.
I do like the idea of trying it over webcam though, where someone orders you around and I have to perform every and all instructions for their amusement! Imagine a whole load of people connected in and watching and laughing at you all at the same time.
In many ways this whole blog is hooking into my enjoyment of humiliation, I have now taken a few pics and videos of my first experiences with pantyhose (thats a seperate post to come!) and so when I upload them I am subjecting myself to public humiliation on the net, anyone will be able to see the pics and comment on them, but then thats the excitment for me!
I think this is one of many sexual activities that is hard to understand if you havent experienced the enjoyment yourself. It would have to be in a safe and controlled environment that's for sure, and I dont think its for everyone!