So quite a bit has happened recently, alas due to my blog being offline it will need some catching up....
Ive taken the plunge and gone and made my first purchases from a fetish shop! It was very very scary going in there for the first time, I kept telling myself that the people in there are surrounded by these things every day so it should mean nothing to them, but still, people might see me go in, maybe there is someone I know in there or.... arghhhh!
So anyway, once in there my heart was racing and to be honest it was one of the most exciting things Ive ever done! A whole shop full of weird and wonderful toys that you never knew existed, but whats more, I knew that I could buy any of the things there (money permitting) and take them home that day. Its not like when you see something on the internet and think 'I could buy that', I was actually there and I was actually going to buy some serious fetish gear! The stuff ive been fantasising over since my late teenage years!
Anyway, I will try to update further on this at the weekend, with a few pics of what I got! I havent had a chance to play yet, I havent quite had the courage to tell my missus so the stuff is all stashed away, however she is off to a party at the wkkend so I'll have some time then!
It looks like my plan to go through my 43things might alter slightly, looks like I wont being doing it in order now simply because of what I will and wont have to play with! However I should be able to get through a number of items now - so keep reading!

and I want to see you sitting in a pile of pantyhose too, you know you will do just what I say, so dont argue, just do it...
Order means nothing, my dear. Just enjoy! :)
yep, thanks, im just going to let go and have fun wooohooo!
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